Charged For Sale Or Possession Of Crack? We Can Help.
People who are associated with crack or cocaine often face stigma in society. Even prosecutors take a harsh stance when it comes to handling cases involving this drug. If you find yourself in this position, you should do everything you can to minimize this stigma and the consequences you may be facing as a result.
Our Former Prosecutors Are Accomplished Criminal Defense Attorneys
The legal team at Lynch & Pine includes some of the top prosecutorial talents in Rhode Island. Altogether, our attorneys have more than 75 years of experience in the law. Today, as Rhode Island crack cocaine defense attorneys, our focus is on protecting people’s rights and maintaining their freedom.
Whether you are charged with possession, trafficking or sales of crack or cocaine in any other form, it is important that you are treated fairly. We are not here to judge you; we are here to help you. We will begin by listening to your story and helping you understand the charges you face.
Our next step will be to evaluate the evidence that has been collected against you and map out a comprehensive strategy that may include:
- Investigating to see if the police acted appropriately
- Challenging witness statements
- Pursuing motions to have evidence that was improperly collected thrown out
- Negotiating with the prosecutor assigned to your case to have the charges or sentence reduced
- Representing you at trial
You can count on us to exhaust every remedy that is relevant in your case. We will keep you updated as your case develops, and we are always available to answer questions. We want our clients to be involved in every aspect of their case so they can make informed decisions concerning their future.
Take The First Step
If you have been accused of a drug-related crime, call 401-680-0921 or email the drug crime defense lawyers at Lynch & Pine as soon as possible so we can begin your defense.