Lynch and Pine is Rhode Island’s leading law firm for the defense of Title IX cases. The firm has a dedicated practice group that represents students involved in all types of on-campus incidents. We have successfully defended clients at every stage of Title IX...
Firm News
Company credit card use may lead to an embezzlement charge
Some companies authorize employees to use credit cards for business purposes, such as buying office supplies or gas. If an employee borrows a company card for personal use an employer may request law enforcement officials to file theft or embezzlement charges....
Comparing cocaine and heroin
Heroin and cocaine are two substances that see extensive abuse in Rhode Island. According to CNN, they rank respectively at numbers one and two as the most addictive substances in the world. Sometimes they even look similar, as each can take the form of white powder. ...
Having your gun ownership rights restored
Like most people in Providence, you might think that the consequences of a criminal conviction end with the completion of your incarceration and/or the payment of any mandated fines or restitution. Yet that is not always the case; depending on the offense, you have to...
How does domestic violence affect child custody?
Domestic violence is a very serious crime, and the effects of it ripple out from families into communities. Domestic violence has the potential to tear families apart, even in just a strictly legal sense. Beyond potential restraining orders and jail time, domestic...
Are radar guns infallible?
Few things are more frustrating than getting stopped by a law enforcement officer who issues you a speeding ticket based on his or her radar gun “evidence,” especially when you are quite sure you were not, in fact, speeding, no matter what the radar gun “evidence”...
Effects of domestic violence on children and the youth
According to the Communities and Justice, young people and children may get physically hurt either deliberately or accidentally during violent episodes. Children should grow up in a nurturing and secure environment. Therefore, a home that experiences a family or...
What happens if you refuse to take a breath test in RI?
If an officer stops you for suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicating liquor in Rhode Island, he or she has a duty to the people to administer a chemical test. You, as a driver in the state, have a duty to comply. The state refers to this obligation...
What should you do when a police officer pulls you over
There are many reasons for a police officer to pull you off the road while driving. The officer may have spotted an equipment violation, such as a broken tail light. There could also be a more serious reason for the request. Speeding and traffic violations are common...
What are the laws surrounding restraining orders in Rhode Island?
If you are the subject of a restraining order in Rhode Island, it is crucial that you understand your legal obligations. If you violate the law, even unintentionally, you could be subject to significant legal reprisal, including jail time. This guide explains a few of...