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On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2017 | Firm News |

Reports allege that the woman, who is 23 years old, was found to have a blood alcohol content of approximately 0.40 percent. That is literally five times the legal limit for intoxication of 0.08 percent. If the breath tests are accurate, it is unsure how the woman was actually even conscious let alone driving. The arrest was made late on a weekday afternoon after people are said to have made calls to an emergency number because they saw the woman supposedly driving in a poor manner.

It is not known if the woman has any prior drunk driving convictions but if she is convicted of this offense, she may face up to 12 months in prison, loss of driving privileges for three months and a fine of $500. Additional penalties may include some community service hours. Officers are said to have administered field sobriety tests which she allegedly failed.

After being charged with a criminal offense for drunk driving in Rhode Island, people may want to talk with an attorney to learn about how they may fight the charges or best defend themselves.

Source: Mass Live, “23-year-old arrested on drunk driving charge after blowing .411, police say,” Alban Murtishi, March 24, 2017
